A lot has changed in the past few months, we packed up our 2 bedroom apartment put almost everything in storage and drove down to San Diego for Roberts work. My adventuring personality was eager and nervous all at the same time. We were set to leave about 2 weeks after our wedding, things were approaching fast and finally it was time to head out.
To be honest I thought the change would be easy. I was used to moving around and visiting new places, however this time, things felt different. I was incredibly emotional about the move, and (to my surprise) Robert was incredibly sad to leave our little apartment. For me it was a place of much change, and the first place Robert and I lived together. It was our home and we loved it. It was safe and comfortable, but we were so excited for our new journey.
We left our apartment really late the night of the 15th and drove through the night until we reached portland. We spent 2 hours driving around only to find that all of the hotels were booked. We finally found a place to sleep, and woke up to continue our journey. We spent a night in Sacramento and my good friend Brian's parents house and then drove on to LA, where we spent the night meeting up wtih some of my friends. The entire trip I just felt so strange, I couldn't figure out why I was feeling so off. I chalked it up to the big move and all of the new changes of being married. After finally arriving at our "place" in San Diego, we tried to settle in. Typically this is something I really enjoy doing; exploring all of the new areas, starting a new routine, finding my place in a new location. Again things felt so different, I was so off.
A few days later while Rob was at work and I was in our little place messing around on the computer I kept finding myself standing in the other room trying to figure out what I was doing. I would start doing something and completely forget why I was there or what I was doing. I would be holding my phone in my hand one minute and the next it was gone, I started to feel a little crazy, a little emotional, and a lot less motivated to go explore. That day I decided to take a pregnancy test.---side note--- A very difficult topic for me is fertility and pregnancy. Very few know of the struggles I have faced with fertility, it's a topic that feels almost too taboo to speak about. Infertility and miscarriages leave women feeling alone and helpless and its hard to reach out for support. Having a family is something both Robert and I talked about very early on in our relationship. It was a topic we discussed in great detail, it was something we both were looking forward to, that was whenever my body decided to cooperate with me--- {so back the pregnancy test} While rob was at work I decided to take a test, after so many negative tests from years prior, I told myself it was going to show up as negative. I set the test on the bathroom floor walked out and started doing the dishes. A few minutes later I remembered the test and decided to go look at it, as I looked down at the test and saw the two lines I dropped to my knees and cried; I cried with the biggest smile you can imagine. I was in shock, utter disbelief. I rummaged through the drawer and found 2 other tests, took those sat on the floor and stared at them. My hands were trembling, I was so excited and at the same time so scared. I kept thinking that for some reason the tests were wrong, it couldn't be true. I quickly texted Robert that he needed to come home ASAP and that he needed to call me right away. He wasn't off for another 2 hours, and after realizing that I didn't want to tell him over the phone I quickly calmed down and when he called I nonchalantly said "O it's nothing I will just wait for you to get home." I laid in bed with the test all sitting next to me just waiting for him to get home. When he walked in I jumped up ran out to see him and handed him all of the tests.
I will never forget his face, he had the biggest smile and just kept saying "Really? Really!?!" followed up with him hugging and kissing me so tight.
The excitement turned into a bit of panic, for days previous I had been experiencing horrible cramping, (the day before our wedding I was in the hospital for a cyst that was on my ovary) we were so afraid that something was wrong. Now, in a new city I found myself sitting at home alone, doubled over in pain, worried about losing a baby we just found out we were having. Despite our worries, and other small complications that come along with me being pregnant, baby is doing well. After a hospital visit and a few doctors visits, our little tiny bean is growing, has a strong heartbeat, and is so loved already. Things may be a little bit more complicated for my pregnancy, but I am so overjoyed to have such a wonderful, supportive partner to help me through it.