Wednesday, October 21, 2015

5 and 6 months old

San Diego is great (for the most part). We love the sun, things to do, and I especially love the meetups for moms.and babies The things we are most struggling with are the distance from Rob's job and the unknown back in Seattle. Rob has been working 10-12 hour days usually at least 6 days a week, and on top of working a ton he has an hour commute. By the time he gets home, he is exhausted and so am I. We of course try to make the best of our time and get out and do fun things when we can, its just the amount of work and the distance to his work, makes things difficult. The many things are up in the air, we just tend to try and problem solve when things come up...but me being the "worry wart" that I am, I can't shake those feelings of what will happen when we return. Our house still hasn't gone through and all of our stuff is still in storage. We are set to return on the 20th of November and are currently homeless... then comes the possibility of going to Japan in January...what if they change our date to leave sooner? How will I manage putting together a new house and leaving the country for a few months?
I have to stop my self from going down the rabbit hole of what ifs. I have to remind myself daily of the now...of enjoying every minute of the now.
So instead of focusing on my worries here is some stuff we are enjoying now:

Robert graduated! He tries to down play his achievements but he really did have to work hard. Late nights working, studying, traveling hours and hours on public transit...but he did it and we are so proud!
excuse the blurry-ness I was breastfeeding, cheering, and taking a photo from extremely far away  :P

While we were back for Robert's graduation we adventured all over Seattle, met up with friends, went to a Hawks game and enjoyed every minute we could.

We (well I) successfully moved out of our condo, packed everything and put it into storage.
Took two different trips to Seattle with a 5 month old with only a few poo-splosions
Robert had a birthday, which we celebrated by eating at random places, spending time on the beach, taking photos, and leading Robert on a few blind folded adventures.

She was afraid of the candles..
We have done everything from hanging out by the pool, shopping, dinner dates (more like pretending to be food critics as we test out new restaurants) , meeting up with friends, going to the zoo, adventured to a strange pumpkin patches in the middle of no where, mommy meetups, beach days, and so much more. We really are doing so much and loving every minute we have together. Hopefully Rob gets more free days so we can make more memories before we return back to Seattle.

Update on just Kora: She crawls (more like an army crawl but its incredibly fast)...she tries to pull her self up on things now,  she rolls, says mama and dada (mostly dada unless shes sad and wants me..), she loves to eat everything, is still incredibly small, is a great observer, seems to be getting a tooth (we will see on when it actually pops out), loves being outside, loves being in her carrier, loves the mirror, dances (more like wiggles back and forth), likes to watch other babies, gives kisses, and loves to snuggle. This kid is a wonder baby, she sleeps well and is always smiling.