Thursday, March 27, 2014

How we met.

So lately many people have asked how Robert and I met. So here is our story...

I was having a crap day and my friend Phu told me he was going out to a few parties that night, and asked me if I wanted to go. We ended up downtown Seattle with 3 different parties to attend, as we were driving we just so happened to stop at his friend Moses' business launch party at a club called Amber (this ended up being the only party we attended that night). Phu and I walked in and everyone there asked if I was his girl friend, I quickly, awkwardly... and loudly announced that I was not, and would not ever be Phu's girl friend. This was followed by me awkwardly sitting on a couch...about 20 min later a group of guys came in, I was introduced to them and Robert asked if I wanted a drink. For the record I have never been offered a drink from someone I didn't know...let alone accepted it. We ended up spending the whole night dancing and talking (who talks at a club...not most people...). A few weeks passed, randomly when I was out on a camping trip he sent me a text and asked if I wanted to go see a Sounders game. At first I was really confused because my phone had broken a few days before, so I had no idea who the number was. I had also received the message a day late because I was out of cell service. I responded explaining the situation (but from what he said later on, he really thought I just was blowing him off). This ended up happening a few more times, one of the times I was in San Francisco, another night I was already out. Finally I texted him to hang out; of all things it was to go tubing down a river, only to later find out Rob is terrified of water... although he didn't mention it and actually agreed to go. LOL... Plans changed, we never went tubing but we did hang out, and well after that we never stopped hanging out :P

I look incredibly derpy in this picture, but this was the night we met! 

This was on my way to Phu's 

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