Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bremerton Weekend

This past weekend my back flared up pretty bad, however that didn't stop me from going to Bremerton to celebrate Rob's (sorta) last day of school with his classmates (he has one class to make-up that is only offered once a year). He will be walking next year Fall 2015! I am so excited and proud of him! He has worked so hard and his possibilities to grow and further his career are just around the corner!

For those of you who don't know Robert is a Marine electrician, and currently in an apprenticeship program. With his job he (and now myself included) have the opportunity to travel to many different places, and if you know me (or have read the title to my blog) you know I'm a junkie for travel and adventures. My most recent post talked a little bit about our (hopeful/likely) upcoming adventure to San Diego! Living so far from Robert's work is wearing thin on us, he currently commutes daily a total of about 5 hours, although it is a simple commute bus to ferry, ferry to bus, we have discussed possibilities of "settling" in Bremerton (buying a house on our return from San diego) or possible temporary relocation to Japan or Guam after he walks next year. I am so grateful for the opportunities that are coming for us both!

Rob has never been a planner, however I think he has finally caught my planning bug. He now (reluctantly--I'm not sure why its reluctant but it is...) prides himself in preparing some of our stuff for each of our trips! He also has been great at reminding me of things I may have forgotten, like my memory card for my camera or a gluten free snack :P Having a partner who really works as a team makes everything you do, so much more amazing AND that much more successful. We leave for Kauai in 1 week, and I am so incredibly excited! I have never been to Hawaii and it will be our first plane ride together! To be honest I have not flown with another person since I was probably 12; most of my traveling has been solo (or I drove there) so I am pretty stoked about this trip!

I really can't express how lucky I feel to have found such an incredible partner. I am so in love and so so happy. I find myself staring at him and just giggling to myself about how full of joy I am (I'm sure he must get annoyed of it). Things I found so incredibly difficult before seem so simple now, he pulls me back down to earth, I feel such a sense of peace.

Bremerton adventure
----As a side note the funniest thing happened while we were in Bremerton...We decided to stop in at a Fred Meyers to grab a snack for me, I got slightly excited that we got 2 dollars back (we never carry cash) so I asked Rob if we could grab a scratch ticket. He agreed. If you know how I get when I am excited (I get all smiley and weird and start jumping up and down) I started jumping around and bounced my way over to the machine where you buy the scratch tickets. Rob walked up behind me and had his hand around my waist when an old man in a power chair scooter rolled up behind us and said "Excuse me sir, but could you please tell me how you got such a beautiful woman?" He looked at him all stunned and smiled, the old guy smiled back; I just stood behind Robert giggling like a school girl. :P ---

Found this little guy with a barnacle on his head (he lives on my shelf now)
throwing rocks into the ocean

Took a few minutes by the water in East Bremerton to relax together

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